AI Tools

GPTZero: AI Detector Tool

GPTZero AI plagiarism




GPTZero is an AI detector tool designed to identify AI-generated content. It can detect text generated by various AI models, including ChatGPT, GPT-4, Google Gemini, and LLaMa. The AI tool highlights AI-generated sentences and provides detailed explanations for its findings.

Features & Benefits

  • AI Model Detection: Identifies content from ChatGPT, GPT-4, Google Gemini, LLaMa, and more.
  • Sentence Highlighting: Highlights AI-generated sentences for easy interpretability.
  • Detailed AI Reports: Explains why text was flagged as AI-generated.
  • Independent Benchmarking: Verified by Penn State for accuracy and reliability.
  • De-biased Detection: Uses research from Stanford to minimize AI biases.
  • High Security Standards: SOC-2 and SOC-3 certified.
  • Detection Dashboard: User-friendly dashboard designed for educators.
  • Deep Scan: Advanced analysis of AI-generated content.
  • Source Scanning: Checks for plagiarism and AI copyright issues.
  • Batch File Scans: Organizes and processes multiple files simultaneously.

GPTZero Platforms

Web app, Chrome extension

GPTZero Tasks

  • Detect AI-generated content
  • Highlight AI-generated sentences
  • Provide detailed AI report explanations
  • Perform deep content scans
  • Check documents for plagiarism
  • Batch scan multiple files

GPTZero Integrations

  • Chrome extension
  • Google Docs
  • API access for organizational integration
  • Canvas
  • Microsoft Word

Real-world applications

GPTZero is invaluable for educators who need to ensure academic integrity by detecting AI-generated essays. Teachers can use the detailed reports to explain why a piece of text was flagged, helping students understand and improve their writing. Writers benefit by verifying their content is human-generated, avoiding false accusations of using AI. Recruiters use GPTZero to ensure job applicants submit original content. In cybersecurity, the AI tool helps identify AI-generated phishing attempts, bolstering defenses. Machine learning engineers also use GPTZero to curate human-generated training data, improving model accuracy.

One creative use of GPTZero is for creating AI-free creative writing prompts. Writers can ensure their inspirations and prompts are entirely human-generated, maintaining originality and creativity in their works.

Who is GPTZero for

  • Teachers
  • Students
  • Writers
  • Recruiters
  • Cybersecurity professionals
  • Machine learning engineers

Pricing & Discount

PlanCost (per month billed annually)Features
BASICFreeAccess to dashboard and Chrome extension, 10,000 words/month, batch scanning (10 files)
ESSENTIAL$10150,000 words/month, plagiarism scanning, advanced grammar and writing feedback
PREMIUM$16300,000 words/month, advanced AI deep scan, multilingual detection, download AI reports

GPTZero Free version



  • Limited to specific AI models for detection.
  • Free plan restricted to 10,000 words per month.
  • Batch scanning limited to 10 files on the free plan.


  • Data privacy: Users must trust GPTZero with sensitive text data.
  • Learning curve: Users need to understand how to interpret AI detection reports.
  • Compatibility: Limited to certain integrations and platforms.
  • Cost: Higher-tier plans may be expensive for individual users.

Potential Future Developments

  • Expansion to detect content from more AI models.
  • Enhanced integration with additional platforms like other word processors and educational tools.
  • Improved user interface for better report interpretation and ease of use.

Explore how GPTZero can help maintain the integrity of human-generated content across various fields.

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